Why should I be a member?
A Church community works together just like various parts of one body supporting one another; through constant encouragement, motivation, guidance, development, and most importantly, through sharing the love of Christ.
When you decide to become a member, you are reaffirming your commitment not just to God but also to the Church. When every believer comes together in unity, with a common vision, mission and goal we become a unified Church in the eyes of God. There is accountability, fellowship, and belonging.
How do I become a member?
To become a member of Elim Full Gospel Ministries you would need to meet the following criteria:
- Have a testimony of being ‘Born Again.’
- Adult baptism in water- by immersion.
- Live a life adhering to Christian teachings.
- Willingness to contribute to the life of your Church by giving your time/money/finances.
- Acceptance of the ‘Tenets of Faith’
- Regular church attendance for a minimum period of three consecutive months prior to application for membership.
What does it mean to be a member?
In Elim Full Gospel Ministries, we recognize the need for formal membership. We ask you to commit to membership for 4 reasons:
- Biblical Reason: Christ is committed to the Church.
The more Christ-like you become, the more you will be willing to give your life for the Church. If we’re going to be like Christ, we’ll be as committed to the Church as He is. “Christ loved the Church and He gave His life for it.” Ephesians.5:25 - Cultural Reason: It is a unique commitment in our society.
We live in an age where very few want to be committed to anything. Membership swims against the current flow of ‘consumer religion’ that switches groups for any reason and builds within us a sense of social responsibility. Membership is an unselfish decision and commitment helps build character. - Practical Reason: It defines who can be counted on.
Membership helps us identify who can be counted on, in our family of believers, to fulfill the purpose of this church. - Personal Reason: It encourages spiritual growth.
The New Testament places major emphasis on the need for Christians to be accountable to each other for spiritual growth. It’s tough to be accountable when you’re not committed to any specific church family. Building a spiritual bond and relationship with fellow members will boost our morale and sense of accountability.